What is a stoma?
A stoma is an opening on the abdomen that can be connected to either your digestive or urinary system to allow waste (urine or faeces) to be diverted out of your body. It looks like a small, pinkish, circular piece of flesh that is sewn to your body. It may lie fairly flat to your body or protrude out. Over the top of your stoma you will wear a pouch, which can either be closed or have an opening at the bottom.
Stoma appliances
Patients with a Stoma (Ostomates):
Wear a disposable bag (or 'stoma appliance') to cover the stoma and collect the resultant waste
Regularly need other essential supporting products, such as deodorants, tapes, adhesive removers, creams, cleansers and belts to manage their stoma
Impact of a stoma on patients?
92% of ostomates worry about leakage of stomal effluent
Due to the risk of leakage, 72% check their pouching system for leakage
65% are affected in their ability to work to varying degrees
Consequence of leakage and the worry about it leads to various forms of isolation
20% stay at home
13% avoid people
15% avoid physical contact with family and friends
54% of those who worry about leakage use more products
Source: British Journal of Nursing, 2022, Vol 31, No 6 (Stoma Care Supplement)